(Click image to view) I spoke at the ORU Homecoming Banquet in November, 2019. It was such an honor. This is my legacy!
 Rev. Bob Armstrong on a recent "The Good Life" on the Christian Television Network with Bob and Jane D'Andrea.

Islam Exposed
* Whole number only
ISLAM EXPOSED. A Christian lawyer examines the teachings of Fundamental Islam. If you ever needed an easy "Cliff Notes" on radical Islam, this is THE book!
Shine the light on the dark side of Islam.
Fear and force are integral parts of Islam. Its ultimate goal is to take over the world for Allah, using whatever means necessary, peaceful or violent, a target of world conquest. The purpose of this book is to alert you to the real threat of Islam. Indeed a threat to the United States, Christianity, and all religions. The Islamic writings of the Qur'an and Hadith are expounded upon by experts in Islam throughout, and are quoted to give depth to the fact that the utter core of Islam of terror and the sword, not peace.
Learn the absolute truth about:
* The Islam Production of Terrorists
* Five Pillars of Faith
* The Real Force Behind Terrorists
* Muhammad and Allah
* The World As We Knew It
ISLAM EXPOSED will empower you to take hold of your faith and fight against the powers of evil. The real battle is being fought int he spiritual realm and you can be assured that Jesus Christ will be the ultimate victor!
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