In December, I was planning through inside sources to minister in Damawscus, Syria…..only 93 miles from the Syrian air base where USA missiles struck! This was to be my most dangerous mission outreach yet! However, there have been bombings NEAR the Damascus Airport. The U. S. State Department warned me: “There is a serious risk for kidnappings, bombings, murder, and terrorism.” I have elected to put off until later!!

Bob with Damascus Muslim Imam
As you know, I spent Christmas time on the outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. ISIS is still stubborn in giving up their stronghold. General Georges Sada, my friend and current consultant to the Iraqi government, and I have discussions on what is REALLY happening (not in the news!) so I can be safe. He told me last year: “There will be at least 500,000 refugees, as a result of Mosul!” He may be proven absolutely correct. So far, there have been 300,000. There will be more, because there is no real future with bombed-out homes, ISIS taking residents as human shields, etc., etc. In this photo, General Sada and I are discussing the future of Iraq, Syria, and the Kurds.

Discussions with General Georges Sada Bob with some guards in Qaraqosh, near Mosul.
about the future of Iraq, Syria and the Kurds.
Working on plans to once again visit the outskirts of Mosul in the town of Qaraqosh; and to bring humanitarian aid and the Gospel. It was once a town of 75,000. Due to ISIS bombings, it only had 500 inhabitants when I was there in December. It was liberated late last year; and for the first time, this Palm Sunday, they had their first Passover celebration in three years even in burned-out churches that I visited. Thank the Lord!

Some of the burned out stores and businesses in Qaraqosh, Iraq. This burned out church in Qaraqosh had
Palm Sunday services for the first in since 2014.
I normally go to the ISIS borders twice a year to help rescue women and families directly from ISIS. I support “SURVIVORS OF ISIS” including a couple of safehouses in Kurdistan. This vital mission continues, no matter what. And to reassure some donors who have questioned this: NO MONEY GOES DIRECTLY TO TERRORISTS !! Women are still enslaved by ISIS and are sold at slave auctions to unscrupulous men for sex! Thank God for Christian military mercenaries who help provide freedom for some!

Rescuing girls from ISIS Assisting survivors of ISIS!
God wants me to work smarter, not harder. Not enough donations came in for me to go on my first trip. Sorry. So, I am giving money to my American Doctor friend who is visiting there. He knows my contacts. That way, I do not have to pay the $2,000 - $3,000 expenses for me to fly over there, etc. Working smarter!
I am pictured here with Zaid, a Yezidi friend who works as the head of the carpentry shop at the U.N. Camp Kankakee at the Samaritan’s Purse (Franklin Graham) in Kurdistan. We were given quite a set-back, however. When I was there in December, I began to plan mutual outreaches with them, even offering them thousands of dollars. But, shockingly and surprisingly, the Kurdish Samaritan’s Purse came down with a new edict at the beginning of this year, saying they CANNOT work with any NGO (Non-government organization). Apparently, some unscrupulous “ministries” have taken photos and USED Samaritan’s Purse and pocketed most of the money. Sad. Very sad.

At Samaritan's Purse HQ in Kurdistan.
My heart yearns for those who are now Christians who live right near the current fighting. Here I am praying with this mother and her son. There is tragedy all around. But God is still on the throne. There is a Christian glimmer of hope among total desperation and ruin!

Praying with new Christians near ISIS border.
I have tried to tell the ISIS survivors’ story to anyone and everyone. I am with Rev. Ken Gaub at the annual “Idea Exchange” in Orlando a couple of months ago, telling that story.

Speaking at the Idea Exchange.
As you might recall, I only send out a fundraising newsletter twice a year. This is that time! I really must hear from my friends, you, financially, if at all possible. I am making HUGE plans for God in a couple of months! I need your prayers.

Providing diapers for survivors of ISIS.
Quite frankly, I really do need your financial backing. Please!
I look forward to hearing from you, to not only further His Kingdom, but for the glory of God! And to be a source of genuine encouragement to those who suffer so much in war-torn areas.
Blessings. Your friend,
Rev. Bob Armstrong
P. S. I told my story on the Christian Television Network with Bob and Jane D’Andrea. I could send you a DVD of that, if you would like. But, seriously, I do need you to respond so I can finalize earth-shaking plans for Him! THANK YOU!

On the set of CTN's "The Good Life"
How can we, as Christians, make the best of the worst of times? Deuteronomy 31:6 promises that God will never abandon us, no matter the circumstances. “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Part of my security team. Bob with fierce Kurdish warriors. Once again involved this year with
Christmas for Refugees!

As well involved with Diapers for Refugees. Bob, Kim and Brittany Armstrong
** All gifts are tax-deductible.
Love-Link Ministries, 208 – 65th Street NE, Bradenton, FL 34208