(Click image to view) I spoke at the ORU Homecoming Banquet in November, 2019. It was such an honor. This is my legacy!
 Rev. Bob Armstrong on a recent "The Good Life" on the Christian Television Network with Bob and Jane D'Andrea.

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Razor's Edge from bin Laden's Home To Divine Appointments!
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RAZOR’S EDGE – from bin Laden’s Home to Divine Appointments
…is the shocking account of a dedicated minister who gave his life to bring peace to the world, who through a “miscarriage of justice” was convicted in the courts. His revealing journey inside federal prison shows how the compassion of Christ can change perilous situations into times of triumph. Not only were his eyes opened, but his heart was opened, too. Relieve this fascinating chronicle of his incarceration in very graphic detail as he depicts every truthful moment of his pain.
In spite of his upside down world, going from making $6,000 a month to 4.8 cents per hour income, from praying for presidents of countries to being a convicted felon, from stepping out of the presidential limousine in front of where Osama bin Laden lived to a total loss of freedom behind the razor wire, from a happily married husband and father to living with several strangers for over a year, Bob Armstrong became an “overcomer”. God spoke to him during his incarceration, and he is released to continue to change the world as a true peacemaker. His eyes were opened to a whole new world of Americans who live by a totally different mindset.
Understand God’s heart of compassion as you experience with Bob’s unbelievable encounters, as well as divine appointments. From a “cocoon of prejudice” to the “presidential pardon”, each chapter is fast-reading and informative, ending with a literal warning to the reader to listen to that “still, small voice.”
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