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I spoke at the
ORU Homecoming Banquet
in November, 2019.
It was such an honor.
This is my legacy!

Rev. Bob Armstrong
on a recent "The Good Life" on
the Christian Television Network
with Bob and Jane D'Andrea.



“We are so proud of you Bob.  May God keep you safe and give you many souls for the Kingdom of God. Our prayers are always with you!”

                                                                   --Oral & Evelyn Roberts


“Bob shares his sincere spirit wherever he travels.  He is a Christian communicator led by God's Spirit.  I personally value his various ministry judgments.”                

                                                                   --Dr. Gerald Derstine

“I can vouch for Bob's heartfelt compassion to truly reach the lost.  His anointed testimony has stirred thousands.  I recommend Bob to speak at any FGBMFI Chapter, or wherever.  His well-traveled ministry, coupled with his keen insights, paves the way for his known writing abilities that have truly blessed so many.”                                                               

                                                                   --Demos Shakarian, FGBMFI Founder

“Bob Armstrong has been a Board Member of the Religious Freedom Coalition for the past 25 years.  As early as the mid-1980’s he worked with me in assisting Nicaraguan families displaced by the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua.  He has continued to assist our overseas efforts to bring religious freedom to peoples in many nations, most recently inside Iraq and the Sudan.

“Rev. Armstrong was a delegate to the World Congress of Families IV in Warsaw, Poland.  During his many years of association with the Religious Freedom Coalition, he has developed relationships with members of the United States Congress as well as parliamentarians in other nations.”

                                                                   --William J. Murray, Founder, 
Religious Freedom Coalition

“I have known Bob Armstrong for over 30 years.  In all these years he has proven to me to be a person of the highest integrity and Christian character.  His editorial accomplishments and humanitarian work have been outstanding.”       

                                                                   --Vinson Synan, Ph.D., Dean Emeritus, Regent University, School of Divinity

“Your book inspired me greatly!”

John James, Co-Founder, NewsBoys

“Your latest book, RAZOR’S EDGE, is really great!!”    

                                                                  –Dr. Myles Munroe, the Bahamas

“Bob is extremely active in speaking at many FGBMFI Chapter meetings in many states and several foreign countries.  We have had a couple of opportunities to visit about our faith during my term as Lieutenant Governor and Congresswoman of Oklahoma.  Even though I have only met Bob a few times at Full Gospel ministry related events, he appeared to be sincere and devoted to his work in the ministry.

          “I am also aware of his duties for the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C.”  

                                                                  -Mary Fallin, Governor, State of Oklahoma

“I first met Bob Armstrong 58 years ago.  Through the years, we have observed his trustworthy character.  As a result, we hired him several years ago to be the senior editor of our corporate magazine, VOICE.  He has always been loyal and trustworthy. 

“For years, Bob has traveled to less privileged nations to bring humanitarian aid and comfort.  His character is to help, to lift up, to feed the hungry, and to show faith in people.  He has been a favorite speaker at many of our conventions in other nations.”  

                                                                  -Richard Shakarian, International President, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International

"I want to thank my good friend Bob Armstrong, who years ago encouraged me to start writing down notes about my lfe, and who helped me much with the construction of my book, 'Making It BIG in the Movies'."
--Richard "Jaws" Kiel, famous actor, author

“Bob Armstrong’s missionary work in foreign countries has touched countless lives as he often goes where others fear to go, teaching and preaching, to be a blessing to the people.  His positive influence has impacted other members of our Ministerial Fellowship and He is highly respect ted around the world for helping the hurting and less fortunate.  We have seen much ‘fruit of his labors’ as he has trained tens of thousands of leaders around the world.  His infectious, positive outlook has greatly helped so many over the years.”    

                                                                 --Dr. Phil Derstine, President, Gospel Crusade, Inc.

“I have known Bob Armstrong for several years and have appreciated his sensitive spirit in working with Christian organizations.”                                                                                

                                                                 --Sam Moore, Chairman, Thomas Nelson Publishers

“Bob Armstrong has a message in personal testimony that is challenging and inspiring.  As he relates the way God has led in his life, miracle after miracle, you sense that God has preserved Bob's life for a unique and special ministry.”

                                                                --Salem Kirban, "666", renowned author.

“Bob Armstrong is a true champion in the Men’s Movement!”  

                                                                --Chuck Brewster, Founder, Champions of Honor, Author of “Dead Men Rising” (Foreword by Coach McCartney, founder of Promise Keepers)

"Rev. Bob Armstrong w
as a valuable contribution to the equipping of India’s frontline shepherds.”                                                                                                                

                                                                --Dr. David Shibley, Founder, Global Advance


“While serving as the President of the largest Native American tribe in the United States today, the Navajo Nation, he has visited in my office several time.  He was even a guest in my home.  Through various functions, I have observed Rev. Armstrong’s keen sense of loyalty to helping people in need.  I saw firsthand how he helped the “First Americans” here in Navajo land.  We will always be grateful to him for helping to tell our story to the world.  I remember the time he missed the annual Girl Scout father-daughter dance with his daughter just so he could pray with us during our first big Navajo Nation Prayer Day years ago.

          “I also know of his own ministry where he has visited to many parts of the world where people are in need.  When others in his position would stay back in air-conditioned offices writing about Native Americans, Bob came out to walk and talk with our people on the Navajo Nation every year.  It is my prayer that others may follow Bob’s example of reaching out to the Navajos as well as others.  We are extremely grateful!”

                                                                                     --Kalsey A. Begaye, Former President, The Navajo Nation


“Bob’s energy in our recent trip to meet with the President of Sudan caused many people to genuinely understand what needs to happen to bring peace among the 1.2 billion Muslims.  His professional expertise has been used in tremendously assisting overseas efforts to bring religious freedom to countries.  I heartily recommend him anytime to represent the best interests of the United States.  His personal character seems impeccable as he is a stalwart friend of peace efforts in many ‘closed’ countries.”                                                                            

                                                               --Mark Siljander, Ph.D., Former United Nations Ambassador (Alt. Rep)


“It is not very often that I have the distinct pleasure of writing a letter of reference for a person that has such strong moral fiber within the make up of his character!  I have known Bob for over two decades.  We have prayed together, played together, wept together and worked together as Christian leaders.  He has assisted me with the writings of many manuscripts, articles, outlines and books.

          “He has a strong faith in God and the Holy Bible.  He has been known to go that extra mile to prove that he really believes in things that are good in this world.  I and many other Christian leaders throughout the country know Bob as a man who has sacrificed much to help others obtain more!”

                                                               --Edward B. Sell, 10th Dan, Grandmaster, Taekwondo


“Rev. Armstrong is invaluable when it comes to successfully bringing together different cultures around the world.  I had the privilege of spending many days with Bob Armstrong in Khartoum, Sudan.  We spent hours and hours discussing the differences and commonalities of our faiths.  I have seen Bob’s heart and I know that his entire life is devoted to bringing peace between Christians and Muslims.  Many listened to his dialogue.  I have invited him to speak to Muslim groups in my home country of Lebanon. 

          “I watched with keen interest as he personally prayed with President al-Bashir of Sudan.  Bob gave him mighty words of wisdom from his Bible and he was deeply moved.  Bob challenged the president and leadership to ‘do the right thing’ in Sudan, particularly Darfour.”

                                                               --Samir Kreidie, Managing Director, Rabya Trading Company


“Bob is an extraordinarily-gifted fundraiser who has a real touch of God upon his life.  He is also a preacher of the Word.”                                                                                                                        

                                                               --Dr. Hilton Sutton


“Bob’s efforts on the mission field at home and abroad have made a significant difference in the lives of many pastors, leaders and political officials.  I have seen him sit with world leaders and boldly speak to them about his faith and has even encouraged them to walk upright in their political arena.  I have seen him return year after year to other countries and have pastors greet him with an embrace and a ‘thank you’ for his dedication to them and their ministries.  He has gained the respect of many pastors and leaders who have, like me, connected with him for years because he always does what he says and produces results.”

                                                                                     --Dr. Fritz Musser, Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Church, Lawrenceville, GA

“Bob's ministry of helps is a true gift of God.  He is using it very effectively in communication between ministries and their supporters.  His energy becomes a part of the time and energy of his clients.”         

                                                               --Charles and Frances Hunter



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